Bury Momentum letter to Jon Lansman: “Your unsubstantiated remarks can only give succour to Labour’s enemies”

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Jon Lansman, Chair, Momentum Cc Laura Parker, Momentum National Coordinator Bcc National Coordinating Group 19 March 2019 Jon, As officers of Bury Momentum we are writing to express our dismay and anger at your recent comments on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme of 25 February when you said Labour had “a major problem with anti-Semitism” […]

Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt: The latest victim of the witch-hunt

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What you can do: Sign Rebecca’s petition here Contribute to her legal fighting fund here Take either of the model motions here to your branch/CLP demanding Rebecca’s reinstatement The NEC refuses to endorse the Corbyn supporter in South Thanet – and it seems Momentum is complicit, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists (the article first appeared […]

Open letter from deputy chair of Greenwich Momentum to Momentum nationally

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I am writing to you, as deputy chair of Greenwich Momentum steering committee, in great anger at the way a disgusting media fed campaign by the anti-Corbyn right in the Labour Party has used grotesque charges of “antisemitism” against Jeremy and some of his long standing supporters in the Labour Party. Some in Momentum have […]

Launch of Liverpool LAW, March 22

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More than 70 people, including veterans of the city’s labour movement, attended the launch of Liverpool Labour Against the Witchhunt on March 22 in the Quakers’ Meeting House. They came from all of Liverpool’s constituencies and others on Merseyside. Speakers included Bob Walker, one of the Garston Three, expelled from the Labour Party for attending […]

Momentum, don’t expel those witch-hunted by the compliance unit!

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Having been expelled from the Labour Party on very spurious grounds and with a clear lack of due process, Tony Greenstein is now being threatened with expulsion from Momentum, too! Find below the email exchange between ‘Team Momentum’ and Tony and, further below, a draft letter you could send in protest to info@peoplesmomentum.com and jon.lansman@peoplesmomentum.com On […]

Camden Momentum: Motion on the Witch-hunt

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Passed on March 12 This Branch of Momentum group condemns the suspension of Glyn Secker (7 March 2018, lifted 12 March), the expulsion of Tony Greenstein (18 February 2018), the expulsion of Moshe Machover (3 October 2017, rescinded 30 October), the suspension of Jackie Walker (4 May 2016, lifted 27 May, suspended again 30 September […]

Why we cannot support Jon Lansman’s Labour Party general secretary bid

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Some of us are members of Momentum, some have never joined – and some of us left the organisation after January 2017, when its leader Jon Lansman abolished all democratic structures and imposed a new constitution, riding roughshod over the organisation’s members. It should be noted that, as part of this coup, Lansman abolished the […]

How you can support LAW’s submission to the Corbyn Review

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Background: The so-called Corbyn Review aims to produce a report to the 2018 annual conference in Liverpool. It is not a blue-sky-thinking exercise, however: Submissions invited are limited to answering 32 pre-set questions on six themes with a 250-word-limit on each of the questions. None of these deal with the compliance unit (Disputes) or the fate of […]

Grassroots Black Left Submission to Labour’s Democracy Review

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I have been asked to distribute this to people and ask them to submit the following to the Democracy Review at democracy@labour.org.uk.  It has to be in by Friday 12th January 4pm. I am also enclosing the Grassroots Black Left (GBL) criticism of Momentum owner Jon Lansman’s proposals on BAME. They are very critical of […]