Michael Rosen on Richard Burgon: Zionism, Zionists, Katzism

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(republished from Facebook) Richard Burgon MP has apologised for saying that Zionism is an ‘enemy of peace’. Leaving that to one side for the moment, let’s look at the argument for why Burgon needed to apologise. Here it is: —— “Mike Katz, chair of the Jewish Labour Movement,said the vast majority of Jewish people identified […]

Jackie Walker: A reply to “Lucy Lips”

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At the heart of Labour’s witch hunt problem……people who twist the truth for their own political ends http://hurryupharry.org/2017/12/09/at-the-heart-of-labours There’s a writer who calls herself Lucy Lips. I’ve been reliably informed Lucy is in fact a man, Harry Toube — who writes at times for the Guardian (no wonder it’s going bust) who used to be on the […]