How to use the new trigger ballot to deselect your MP

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Labour Party conference 2018 voted to introduce two separate trigger ballots: one for all the Labour branches of a CLP, another one for all local affiliates (trade unions, socialist societies, cooperative organisations). Here is how it works (please note that CLPs are still awaiting written guidelines – though MPs seem to have been sent a […]

Model motion: Implement the reformed trigger ballot

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Model motion: Implement the reformed trigger ballot This branch/CLP notes: Labour Party conference 2018 voted to reform the trigger ballot, which is currently the only way in which Labour Party members can exercise some democratic control over their parliamentary representative. This was moved by the NEC as part of the ‘democracy review’ and thereby superseded […]

Proposed rule change motion for Labour Party conference: Open Selection

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Proposed rule change motion: Open Selection This branch/CLP believes: that being a Labour MP should not be a job for life; that candidates should be selected openly without restrictions before each general election; that all individual and affiliate members should be able to participate in the selection of candidates; that the existing system of trigger […]