We have written to all left candidates. We will publish all answers online as soon we receive them so that our members and supporters can decide who to nominate from their CLP and who to vote for when elections commence in November. Feel free to contact the candidates, too. We believe an active approach to candidates […]
Tag: compliance unit
Open letter: No Jennie Formby, we will not be informers!
We, the undersigned, are greatly concerned about recent communication from Labour’s General Secretary Jennie Formby aimed at Facebook groups which have ‘Labour Party’ or ‘Jeremy Corbyn’ in their title (the full letter is below). We are particularly outraged by the following passage which states “posts and conversations with antisemitic or otherwise discriminatory content” should be […]
Momentum, don’t expel those witch-hunted by the compliance unit!
Having been expelled from the Labour Party on very spurious grounds and with a clear lack of due process, Tony Greenstein is now being threatened with expulsion from Momentum, too! Find below the email exchange between ‘Team Momentum’ and Tony and, further below, a draft letter you could send in protest to info@peoplesmomentum.com and jon.lansman@peoplesmomentum.com On […]
LAW welcomes Jon Lansman’s decision to withdraw
March 11 2018 Labour Against the Witchhunt (LAW) welcomes Jon Lansman’s decision to finally listen to his party comrades, including Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, and withdraw as a candidate for the General Secretary post. We are mystified as to why Lansman, who purports to back the greater representation of women at all levels of the Labour Party, ran against Unite’s Jennie Formby in […]
Update: High Court judge rules in Tony Greenstein’s favour!
Good news: Tony Greenstein’s expulsion hearing – scheduled for Monday 11 – cannot take place before January 8, giving Tony more time to prepare. The Labour Party’s lawyers “sent me a bill of costs for 7.5K but instead I applied for £100 costs which I’m donating to Labour Against the Witchhunt”, says Tony. This (small) […]
Sign the petition to the NEC: Stop the expulsion proceedings against Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth
Sign this petition by clicking here. To Members of Labour’s National Executive Committee: Stop the Expulsion Proceedings Against Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth On October 3 2017, Professor Moshe Machover, an Israeli anti-Zionist was ‘auto-excluded’ from the Labour Party. Moshe’s offence was to write an ‘apparently anti-Semitic’ article quoting Reinhardt Heydrich praising the […]
We call on Labour’s National Executive Committee
Labour Against the Witchhunt calls on Labour’s National Executive Committee to: Stop the expulsions of Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth! Reinstate all those who have been ‘auto-excluded’! No more automatic expulsions and suspensions! Apologise for the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear against Moshé Machover! Reject the fake IHRA definition of anti-Semitism! Abolish Labour’s Compliance Unit!