LAW statement on the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth

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“Victim of a politically motivated campaign against Jeremy Corbyn” Labour Against the Witchhunt strongly condemns the outrageous decision to expel Marc Wadsworth after a two-day hearing in front of three right-wing members of Labour’s National Constitutional Committee. Marc is the latest victim of the politically motivated witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters. Marc Wadsworth, […]

LAW model motion on the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth

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Feel free to change and amend. Please send us successfully passed motions to and we will publish them. You can download the motion in Word format here.  1. This branch/CLPs notes that: 1.1 Ruth Smeeth MP claimed that at the launch of the Charkrabarti report in June 2016, veteran anti-racist campaigner Marc Wadsworth was being […]

Complaints and disciplinary procedures in the Labour Party 

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The motion below was passed unanimously by Ceredigion CLP on 27th April. This CLP calls on the NEC to ensure: 1) that there are fair and transparent procedures and processes in relation to the suspension and expulsion of members from the party, including the right of appeal, and 2) similarly, that there are fair and transparent procedures and […]

Model motion on Anti-Semitism and the witch-hunt of Corbyn supporters 

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1. This branch/CLPs notes that: 1.1. The dramatic increase in suspensions and expulsions of Labour Party members without due process – especially those based on alleged anti-Semitism or “support for other organisations” using rule 2.1.4.B. 1. 2. Despite the growing number of fallacious allegations of anti-Semitism, initiated by a group of anti-Corbyn MPs in cooperation […]

GBL on Marc Wadsworth’s expulsion

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NEWS RELEASE April 27 2018 Today’s expulsion by Labour of veteran black anti-racist activist There will be a press conference today at 1.15pm at Abbey Green, outside Parliament.  Present will be Marc Wadsworth, Deborah Hobson and Noami Wimborne-Idrissi of Jewish Voice For Labour Grassroots Black Left (GBL) is appalled by the expulsion of its member […]

Another must read: Jonathan Cook on the “anti-Semitism crisis”

Like and share this post: How anti-semitism row MPs turned lynch mob 26 April 2018 If you force me to choose – and tragically, the mischievious confection of an “anti-semitism crisis” in the Labour party does require me to choose, because it turns racism into a competition between worthier “victims” – Marc Wadsworth, a black activist and the founder […]

A must read: Len McCluskey’s counter-attack

Like and share this post: The Corbyn ultimatum “Corbyn-hating” MPs must end their shameless smears – or face the consequences Here are two truths about the state of the Labour Party today. First, there are a small number of members expressing entirely unacceptable anti-Semitic views and attitudes, especially on social media. The second is that this issue has joined […]

Merseyside Pensioners Association: a toxic conspiracy to bring down Corbyn

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At a meeting on Wednesday April 25th 2018 the Merseyside Pensioners Association unanimously passed this resolution. This MPA reaffirms it’s belief that the continuing fiction of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is generated by a toxic mix of Tories, Blairites, right-wing self-styled representatives of the ‘Jewish community’ and is designed to undermine Jeremy Corbyn and […]

In solidarity with Marc Wadsworth!

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Great turnout today at the Labour Party expulsion hearing of anti-racism campaigner Marc Wadsworth outside Church House. Credit to Chris Williamson MP who spoke as a witness on behalf of Marc, while Ruth Smeeth MP was ‘accompanied’ into the hearing by a number of right-wing MPs. Protestors appealed for due process to be applied – […]

This Wednesday, April 25: We need your help!

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According to a report in the Skwawkbox, Wes Streeting MP, who recently verbally attacked Diane Abbott, is organising anti-Corbyn MPs, peers and others people to protest outside the Labour Party disciplinary hearing against veteran black anti-racism campaigner Marc Wadsworth this Wednesday, April 25. Streeting claims that his “march” from Westminster Hall to Church House (which […]

In defence of LAW secretary Stan Keable

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this was first published by Labour Party Marxists On March 27, the day after he attended the counter demonstration in Parliament Square, organised by Jewish Voice for Labour, Labour Against the Witchhunt’s secretary Stan Keable was suspended from work by Hammersmith and Fulham council. The suspension letter states that there are “serious allegation(s) which, if […]

April 7: LAW joins the protest against slaughter of Palestinians

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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has just called for a rally on April 7 to protest against the slaughter of unarmed Palestinians on March 30 in Gaza. 17 were killed, more than 1500 injured by Israeli snipers. The LAW steering committee has decided that it is important we join this protest. We will produce our own […]

Sign this open letter to Jeremy Corbyn and the left on the NEC

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As socialist members and Labour Party supporters, we are firm opponents of all forms of racism, fascism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all other kinds of oppression. Many of us have been actively campaigning against them for many years, often alongside you, John McDonnell and other comrades. We know anti-Semitism exists in society and needs to be […]

Birmingham LAW meeting March 21

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The meeting was opened with a video produced by Real News USA which interviewed Richard Kuper, Jewish Voices for Labour, on the false accusations of anti-semitism. This provoked a good debate on the issue. There was 18 people present from a wide range of Labour parties in Bham, the Black country and a comrade from […]