These are the Principles of Labour Against the Witchhunt as agreed at our inaugural meeting on October 17 2017:
i. No auto-exclusions or expulsions. Everyone has the right to a fair hearing.
ii. We agreed on a simple definition of anti-Semitism to counterpose to the Zionist and ruling class IHRA definition adopted by Theresa May. It is from Prof. Brian Klug’s ‘Shattered Glass’ Lecture at the Berlin Jewish Museum in 2014 on the anniversary of Kristallnact. It is a 21 word definition, not the 450 word IHRA definition whose sole purpose is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
‘antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.’
iii. The Compliance Unit should be abolished. All disciplinary action against members should be undertaken by elected bodies not full time staff.