PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO BAN ON MOVING MOTIONS IN SUPPORT OF CHRIS: We hear that, again, in a number of branches and CLPs, the chair has prevented the meeting from discussing motions in support of Chris because of apparent guidelines sent out by Labour HQ. Labour Against the Witchhunt have produced detailed advice to show that this is not the case – click here for more info and details on how to move a motion.
Passed by Chesham and Amersham CLP, October 24 2019
This CLP notes with concern:
1) The judgement of the High Court:
– that the Labour Party had ‘acted unfairly’ in retrospectively re-imposing the suspension of Chris Williamson MP following the decision of a panel of The National Executive committee to reinstate his membership
– that “there was no proper reason for reopening the case against Mr Williamson”:
– and that this act was “unlawful”:
2) the misuse of precious Labour Party funds to defend this unlawful procedure in the High Court;
3) the further persecution by the Labour Party in arbitrarily imposing on Chris Williamson a second suspension.
We therefore call on the General Secretary to:
1) lift the suspension of Chris Williamson forthwith;
2) end the practice of instant expulsions and suspensions
3) conduct a comprehensive review of the part’s legal, disciplinary and disputes procedures: and
4) ensure that all future disciplinary procedures are carried out in accordance with the principles of natural justice.