General Background The NEC meeting on 20th July identified evidence of support for proscribed organisations (based on 2.1.4B) as follows: …examples of “support” for any of the above organisations for purposes of Chapter 2, Clause I.4.B of the Labour Party Rule Book may include: a. Membership of any of the four organisations;b. Standing for election […]
Category: suspensions and expulsions
Roger Silverman: My reply to the Labour Party’s “Governance and Legal Unit”…
I have received your communication, in which you demand that I “provide evidence that I am not a supporter” of a group that you arbitrarily proscribed three weeks ago. This is a classic technique practised in all such purges going right back to the original witch-hunts of the seventeenth century. It defies all norms of […]
How to prove you’re not a witch…?
Today, Friday August 13, a number of Labour Party members have received letters entitled “Notification of Possible Automatic Exclusion from Membership of the Labour Party” over their alleged association with Labour Against the Witchhunt. These letters confirm that in order to be considered a member or supporter of LAW, you will have to have committed […]
Statement & model motion: Solidarity with Howard Beckett!
Joint statement by Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour Left Alliance, Labour in Exile Network, Rotherham Labour Left and Sheffield Labour Left. To add your organisation’s name, please email Solidarity with Howard Beckett!Nominate him in the UNITE general secretary elections! Of course Howard Beckett was not being racist when he sarcastically wrote that Priti Patel […]
David Evans communication, Tuesday December 1 2020
FAO: Branch Secretaries & Chairs Dear ***, Following the publication of the EHRC report into antisemitism in the Labour Party on 29 October, I provided some guidance to CLPs on what were and were not appropriate topics of discussion for branches and CLPs. The situation has clearly moved on since then, so I wanted to […]
Moshé Machover: Open Letter on my suspension
Dear Friends, Attached herewith you will find a letter in PDF format, “Notice of administrative suspension from membership of the Labour Party”. Also attached is a covering letter from the LP Governance and Legal Unit. The authors of both documents hide in the hood of anonymity. The covering letter says, “The Labour Party’s investigation process […]
LAW statement: Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn!
Silence on the witch-hunt should never have been an option! Appeasement does not work! Jeremy Corbyn was absolutely right in the comments that got him suspended: “One antisemite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents”. It is a real shame that he […]
An open letter to my suspenders – by a witch-hunted “witch”
I have now been under “administrative suspension” from the Labour Party for three months and there is no sign of an end. I can’t vote in any elections, I can’t attend meetings or vote in my branch or in my local party at all. I was on the Executive Committee locally so I can’t fulfil […]
Expelled for this single tweet – the witch-hunt in overdrive
Labour Against the Witchhunt has become aware a new wave of suspensions and expulsions – often for the most absurd reasons. For example, we have seen the full suspension letter the Labour Party sent to Becky Massey, an activist in the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and member of the executive committee of Brighton City Labour Party […]
Craig Murray takes the ‘leaked report’ apart
Video: Chris Williamson explains the outcome of his court case
I know there's been some confusion about the result of my court case, which ruled that my re-suspension from the Labour Party in June was unlawful. In this video, I want to speak to you directly, to outline my case from the outset, so you can understand what has been happening. — Chris Williamson […]
Chris Williamson’s statement on his court case
Here is the statement from Chris Williamson this afternoon, via 8 tweets issued on October 10, 4.30pm ‘The battle is won. The war rages on. The High Court has today judged that the Labour Party acted unlawfully in re-suspending me on 28 June, and “that there was no proper reason” for doing so. I’m glad […]
Meet Tuvia Tenenbom
Meet Tuvia Tenenbom, the man who secretly recorded Peter Willsman and leaked the audio to the press just as the latest coup against Jeremy Corbyn is hotting up… Watch the short clip below and then judge for yourself if this really is a “journalist” whose sound recording guy happened to have left the microphone on… […]
The expulsion of Jackie Walker is a great injustice
Today’s expulsion of Jackie Walker from the Labour Party for “misconduct” – of which the Jewish Chronicle was informed before her solicitors – is a great injustice, though it does not come as a surprise. Although the panel took two days to come to their conclusion, the die had been cast long ago. The decision to charge her for a […]